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Porter Pages:

Research Articles,
& Notes

Listed here are some of the articles, scripture research, manuscripts, and notes that are the product of the personal study and research of Bruce Porter.  Many of these are the result of scriptural research that was done to answer questions about the gospel and scripture.  Some articles will address the traditions, opinions, and interpretations that have over time become accepted as "doctrines" of the Church.  The conclusions found here are compiled research and do not represent the 'official doctrine' of the Church or necessarily the beliefs of Bruce H. Porter himself. The articles listed below are all in a "manuscript" form with little editing, for grammar, punctuation, or little if any preparation for publication. Again, some of the information linked below should not be considered a final product, and some should. Other listed titles may contain notes (if you can decipher them) for further expansion. 

B. H. Porter, Books and Booklets 
Reader Favorites
Porter Research
Articles, Titles, and Notes
by Bruce H. Porter
Presentations and Classes

A Lamb Prepared

Abraham, Class Study Guide

Adam, Eve and the Gospel

All Stand Before God

Another Witness

Baptism Scriptures

Baptism unto the Remission of Sins

Becoming Sons of God, Scriptures

BHP at Garden Tomb 

Birthrights and Firstborns

Book of Mormon for Our Day (Liberty Mag.)

Cauliflower and Cake

Christ in the Book of Mormon

Christmas Thoughts and Scriptures  

"Deception vs Decision", A Matrilineal Patriarchy

Eden to Exaltation

Elements of Testimony

Endowed with Power, Creation Texts

Four Testimonies

God and Elections

God and Government

Grace, Mercy, and Justice


Joseph Smith and Translation

Justice of God, Scriptures

King Follett Lectures

Kingship and Coronation Patterns

Kingship and Coronation (working notes)

Last Days Attitude of People (Letter)

Lebolo, Antonio, and the Pasha

Man shall have One Wife

Moses, Class Study Guide 

Names in Antiquity

Native American DNA

Noble and Great Ones (working notes)

Oliver Cowdery Letters

Opinions, Traditions, and Scripture

Parallel Creation of Abraham and Moses

Patriarchal Priesthood

"Read all About It"

Rebekah, Deception vs. Decision

Satan my Brother?


Scriptures on Scriptures

Scriptures: A Standard of Doctrine

Second Coming Patterns in Scripture

Second Death Scripture 2

Second Death Scripture 1

Shadows of the Gospel in Egypt

Sin or Sinner

Sin, Thoughts on

Temple Texts in the Scriptures

The Battle with Satan

The Cup

The Eternal Nature of Spirits

The M & M's of Learning

The Political Last Days in Scripture

The Second Navel, Being Born Again

Throne and Altar, Notes and Comments

Voting Righteously not Selfishly

What is a Testimony (talk)

Works and Faith


The Threshing Floor of Faith

1 The Threshing Floor

2 Testimony and The Tree of Life

3 An Unfortunate Perspective

4 Questions and Control

5 The Perfect Storm

6 The Hope of Loved Ones

7 By Their Fruits

8 Duped

9 The Barriers to Exaltation

10 Satan's Control

11 The Foundation of Testimony

12 The Gospel of Jesus Christ

13 The Two Conversions

14 Responsibility of Parents

15 Repentance and Character

16 The Church and Priesthood

17 Authority

18 A Personal Responsibility

19 Sustaining the Priesthood

20 A Standard of Doctrine

21 Joseph Smith and Translation

22 Cain Abel and the Priesthood

23 Creation and Science

24 Plural Marriage

25 Women and the Priesthood

26 Same-Sex Attraction


An Everlasting Decree

AA An Index to Political Book of Mormon

A The Promise and Chosen Land

B Three Intrinsic Messages of the Book of Mormon

C Setting the Stage for Freedom

D Looking Back to See the Future, Scriptures

E The Role and Rule of the Remnant

F Drowning in Safety, The Waters of Salvation

G Jumping Out of the Traditional Box

H The Book of Mormon a Record of a Fallen People

I Migrations to the Promised Land

J Deed Restrictions and Blessings

K Gentiles in the Promised Land copy

L The Choice Land and the Restoration

M The Day of the Gentile

N Reality and Scriptural History

O The Voice of Responsibility

P Agency, Apathy, and the Anti-Christ

Q The Gadianton Party Secret Oaths and Combinations

R The Future of the Promised Land The New Jerusalem

S The Two World Views Secular and Scriptural

The Last Days and The Book of Revelation
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